vartotojams General-information Google-Maps-Integration


Fill in loading/unloading places information in 3 easy steps with Google Maps integration

This feature allows to automatically fill in loading/unloading places data to order window by using Google Maps integration:

  • Time-saving and more accurate loading / unloading address info entry;
  • Automatic route kilometer calculation.



To use Google Maps integration, follow these steps:

  1. In Order Cargo window, click on the „Map“.

For one cargo, click here:


For multiple cargos, look for globe icons here:



  1. Search for loading / unloading places is performed both in the register of your saved loading/unloading places and in Google Maps. It is sufficient to enter only fragments of the place data to perform search in the place register. Click on the desired search result – all address data will be automatically transferred to „Loading“/ „Unloading“ section in the bottom corner of the window.



It is sufficient to enter fragments of address to perform search:



  1. In order to search for loading/unloading location using coordinates, simply paste coordinates into the search box. Click on search result and all data will be automatically transferred to „Loading“/ „Unloading“ section in the bottom corner of the window.



  1. Saving location to the place register. In order to save the laoding/unloading place to your place register, follow these steps:   
  • Click on „Save as a place“;
  • Type in company name in „Company“ field of the pop-up window. You will be later able to use this company name in your contracts, invoices, etc. Moreover, it will be easier to find the company using search. Please note that it is not mandatory to enter company name into this field – you can save the place without company name to it.



  • Click on „Save new place“. You will instantly notice „Place name“ and „Company“ fields being filled up with the information you entered: 



5. Based on your loading and unloading addresses, InfoTrans calculates route length in kilometers (connects to Google Maps). There are three possible options of what happens with map kilometers after clicking „Save and close“:

    • A – map kilometers are always assigned instead of client‘s kilometers in the order (this is the default setting);
    • B – map kilometers are only assigned if client‘s kilometers have not been entered;
    • C – system never assigns map kilometers instead of client‘s kilometers.  



Maps kilometers are saved into the field named „Client`s km“. ! This field might have another name or might not be displayed at all in your company !

  • What do I do if this field is not displayed? See manual link
  • What do I do if I am not sure whether a field in order window is the one for client‘s kilometers? Move your coursor on the field, hold „Alt“ + right mouse button click. If you see this information in the pop-up window, it means this is the field where client‘s kilometers are displayed: „Table: kroviniai Field: krovinio_km“.  



If you want to make changes to kilometer assignment settings, click on tools icon:



You will be directed to program settings, where you can chose whether or when to assign maps kilometers instead of client‘s kilometers (see drop down menu for options). In order to save selected settings, click „Save“ button at the bottom of the page.


! IMPORTANT NOTE ! Please note that there might be changes in route and its kilometers if you open the route after a while. The system does not save the exact route. Each time you open the map window for chosing places, system sends a quiry to Google Maps and recalculates/updates the route. In there are changes to Google Maps calculation algorithm, there will consequently be changes to route and its kilometers in the system as well.


6. You can also make custom changes to default Google Maps route using Drag and Drop:



In order to restore the initial route, please click on „Delete all waypoints“ at the bottom of the map window.



7. If you want to make changes to Google Maps search settings, click on the tools icon on the upper right corner.


You will be directed to Google Maps settings section in the system settings window. There are various options to make your map search more handy and effective:


  • Limit search to (Un)loading places register only (exclude Google search results) – system will suggest only those results that already are in your place register:


  • Coordinates that define the place search area:
    • By default, the search for address is performed only in the area that is indicated in the picture below.
    • In order to reduce or extend the search area, click on „EDIT THE AREA and make changes to the zone by dragging its corner handles. After setting the desired area, click on „Save and close“ and „Save“ button at the bottom of the page of settings.  


In order to restore the default search area, click „Reset“ button and „Save“ button at the bottom of the page of settings. 


8. After clicking „Save and close“, system will transfer loading and unloading location data as well as maps kilometers (depending on your chosen settings) to your order window.
