Invoice by Email
Invoices, created in InfoTrans, and CMR attachements you can easily email to clients:

Most of the fields are filled out automatically from InfoTrans data, so you will send email in few moments:

1. Email of receiver (1) - filled out from the client's card;
2. Email for copies set in the program configuration (2) - filled out automatically;
3. Template of the email body text (3) - you can create templates pressing the button next to the dropdown menu. Chosen template will be uploaded in an instant;
4. Signature (4) - you can create different sigantures for different managers, invoices, customers ect.

Most of the fields are filled out automatically from InfoTrans data, so you will send email in few moments:

1. Email of receiver (1) - filled out from the client's card;
2. Email for copies set in the program configuration (2) - filled out automatically;
3. Template of the email body text (3) - you can create templates pressing the button next to the dropdown menu. Chosen template will be uploaded in an instant;
4. Signature (4) - you can create different sigantures for different managers, invoices, customers ect.