vartotojams Invoices Sum-in-words-in-additional-foreign-language-(for-sales-invoices)


Sum in words in additional foreign language (for sales invoices)

If you issue invoices in additional foreign languages, you can convert Sum in Words to that language as well. 
Currently it is possible to convert sum in words to the following additional languages:
  • French
  • Polish
  • Latvian
An example with Latvian language is provided below.
Same steps should be followed to activate sum in words in French or Polish.


How to activate Sum in words version for an additional foreign language? 
In the column Text in Add. language next to Amount in words enter translation of Amount in words for that language, for instance: Summa vārdiem, Kwota słownie, Le montant en mots.
Only after entering a value in this field, version of sum in words in that additional language will be activated. 


How to activate additional foreign language in the invoice?
Languages can be activated for the whole invoice template or for separate invoices (regardless of applied template).
For invoice to be generated in an additional foreign language, choose that language from the drop-down menu next to Add. language
